17 December 2007

Gravity won't get you through the mazes

What is it about winter that depresses people?  I know it's not just me because I can feel it in the air; the world feels like a balloon that's been partially deflated and people around me all have a flat quality.  I know this because the upside is that when something shines bright it breaks the spell if only for a moment.  My niece, Natalie, is a pure ray of sunshine no matter what mood I'm in, and there is something about baby giggles and clapping that re-inflates the world around me.  She just learned to wave hi and bye, and her pudgy baby hand twists delicately at the wrist and she grins at you with a mouthful of half-grown in teeth and sparkling blue eyes.  She is the very embodiment of joy.  

It turns out my heart skipping thing is nothing at all to worry about.  In fact, it's not skipping at all.  I saw the doctor today about it and he listened to my heartbeat for some time; naturally, it sounded perfectly normal the entire time, despite my attempts to replicate all behaviors that seemed to bring it on in the first place.  I explained the effect in great detail and he was completely unconcerned.  He said it's normal, happens to most people at some point, and is in no way harmful to me.  Not to mention, I felt a little silly when he reminded me that he did an EKG on me only a few months ago to make sure I could take the meds he prescribed.  It was healthy, my blood pressure is low, and apparently one does not just suddenly develop heart disease.  He said the most likely cause was low electrolytes and he took some blood to check it out; he said that I could drink all the coffee I like, but mentioned in passing that I might consider doing half-caff at least - I'm guessing that was a hint regarding my state of anxiety.  In any case, I'm going to live and he assured me not to be frightened.  It won't prevent my secret panic, of course, but it's nice to know that when I have lucid moments, I will know I am fine.

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