03 September 2008

I awoke to a threat that was empty; a grandstand of I'm not through with you yet

Ah, another year at DU. Joy. I'm so sick of the crap at this place that I can scarcely vocalize my frustration anymore. There aren't even words. Just elevated blood pressure and a growing sense of rage all over again.

Do you ever feel like every single thing in the world just has to be difficult? It drives me insane that one cannot simply pick up a telephone and call someone and solve a problem. If the internet isn't working, it's an hour-long phone call to Qwest, who will ultimately tell you "oh, yes, I see; we have an outage in your area. Should be back up soon." If you have a problem with health insurance, it's not enough to call the person in the insurance office and get it fixed - heavens no! - you must first call the bursar's office, who will tell you to call the health insurance people who will tell you to call the bursar's office. Each time you place a call back to the place you started, you will reach a different work study student who has a different knowledge base (or complete lack thereof) and will direct you to yet a different place. I'm tired of everything in the world being so fucking complicated.

DU starts next week, and this morning, my scholarship hours were misapplied, I didn't get one of my student loans, and apparently, I have no health insurance. Keep in mind, here, that I did every single thing right, and by the time I was supposed to. I called financial aid, only to be told that they had changed lenders over the summer and I hadn't selected a new lender or signed a new promissory note. When I asked the perky young woman why in the HOLY FUCK someone couldn't have told me this months ago, her pert reply was "sorry, some people were never notified." So by no fault of my own I failed to do something that was never communicated to me that it needed doing at all, nor was said information available anywhere I looked for it in my account information online, but I am somehow supposed to be okay with waiting another two to four weeks to get this loan. I am certain, as well, that something else will go wrong that no one will tell me about.

I then phoned the bursar's office because I noticed that I had not been charged for health insurance, and my doctor's office left a message today saying that my coverage had lapsed. The bursar's office told me to talk to the insurance person, who is not a person at all, but a lengthy recording that is of no help whatsoever. I finally talked to someone in the health center who told me that I needed to fill out a form, bring it down to her with a check and she'd get me in the system. Perhaps by Friday when I need to have a surgical procedure, perhaps not. Laura said when she called that they told her she was already covered unless it went unpaid until the 21st, but alas, I tried to log on and couldn't because the new insurance system doesn't recognize me. Oh, did I mention that they also changed our carrier and our benefit amounts and NEVER so much as mentioned it? This too may or may not be fixed. I'm sure I won't know until something unbelievably infuriating happens.

That's not even the half of it and school has not yet started for the year.

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