01 July 2008

Some folks just need killin'

I hate Aurora. If you're reading this and you live there, my apologies. Really. But what a fucking armpit it is. The traffic is unreasonable and I'm certain that 90% of the people I encounter in this part of town are sure they are (a) living in Southern California and (b) have the entire world spinning around their warm little centers. California attitude - you know, the one where it's normal to order a latte with a phone in one ear, to let the door slam in the face of the person directly behind you while walking out without so much as an acknowledgment of that person's existence, much less an apology, and to park wherever the hell you feel like it regardless of whether or not you're blocking people in - drives me perfectly insane. Such was the case at the Parker Road Starbucks this morning. If I'd had a gun, so help me. The woman who went in before me marched in, didn't hold the door even though I was right behind her, then proceeded to order her drink with a snail's attention to efficiency (which, by the way, was an extra chocolate, extra caramel mocha frappaccino whateverthefuckitis and a bear claw), and her ass was the size of a small nation. If she hadn't been a bitch, I might have been kinder but all I could think was, "yeah, like you really need a ton of extra sugar in your diet."

This was just following the woman on her cell phone who talked loudly and refused to even say "hold on" while she ordered, then got irritated with the timid trainee at the register when she couldn't keep the various requests in order. Then she wanted to add money to her card. Then she sauntered past the line of fifteen people that had rapidly accumulated while she blathered on oblivious to the rest of the world in her Wal-Mart outfit and bad uneducated Hispanic talk - "I seen this guy" you get the idea.

And I am in no mood. Really.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Yeah, it's a big (huge, gigantic, enormous) ol' burb...

BUT... I've sort of re-discovered it recently as THE best place around for ethnic food and far eastern collectable-kitsch. You absolutely MUST (have-to, has-to, hafta)check out H Mart, mere blocks from your work.

Trust me...