25 July 2008

What the deuce?

How is it that I never watched "Family Guy" until just recently? I can't imagine that this show has been on - how many effin' seasons? - and I missed it. Even my students this past year gasped in horror when I told them I'd never seen it. We had been talking about Titus Andronicus and several episodes of FG came up. The first clip I saw was the "prom night dumpster baby" song and I thought I would pee myself in front of my students. I had to excuse myself.

In a word, I am vexed.

Yesterday my mood was glum. I got up today feeling better and motivated to get some things done and then. THEN. I got a visit at my door from a man who served me court papers. Apparently, the person with whom I was in a car accident THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO is suing me. I have to vent. Read on at your own discretion. For the record, I really don't want to talk about this. I'm just going to dump it all here and try to move on.

September, 2005: I was teaching five (yes, FIVE) classes and attending my first term at DU and in the Professica's class and under the knowledge that I needed cervical surgery. Yay for me. I dropped Jamison off at work and was getting onto 36 from Sheridan. A stupid bitch in a minivan was driving like a crazy person, arguing with her husband in the passenger seat, and when we proceeded from the stop light to the on-ramp, she bolted like a bat out of hell in front of me. Because it's an on-ramp and it's short, I sped up out of the light and was watching around me because three lanes merge into one, etc. Meanwhile, this unbelievably stupid person had "dropped her cell phone" and decided to SLOW AND STOP in the middle of the fucking on-ramp. I slammed into her, totaled my car, deployed airbags, blah blah blah. She got out of the car and was quite fine. This was of course the last thing I needed and I'm certain that to some degree it happened because I was stressed out, but who anticipates a person who bolted from a light to be stopped only fifty feet later while getting onto a highway? Of course I got the ticket because I did the hitting, but come ON. She was fine and drove away from the accident - didn't even get checked out by paramedics as I recall. I did feel bad but mostly for myself, thankyouverymuch because the bitch did STOP on an on-ramp - not because she was suffering a seizure or anything, but to PICK UP HER CELL PHONE for Christ's sake, and now this is all my fault? I hadn't heard a word about this until today.

Today, I get papers that she's suing me because my insurance company didn't pay (apparently), and she claims she has over $100,000 in medical bills. MY ASS she does. I'm a good person, and had she been hurt, I would be supportive and take the responsibility. I'm guessing the insurance company didn't pay her because she was a FUCKING IDIOT and should be at least equally responsible for what happened to her. But this paperwork - my God - makes me sound like I didn't have any insurance (not true - I'm covered to the fucking hilt), that I recklessly rear-ended her when she was some sad little victim who was tragically injured. Fuck. I don't need this right now. This is not good for my rage. It's not good for my anxiety and insomnia. There is nothing I can do about it today, either, because it's Saturday. I don't know who to ask. I know I need to call my insurance company and find out what the fuck is happening. Call my lawyer. But now I have to wait until Monday and just stew about it. There is no way I can not think about it. I'm so angry I can't even focus.


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