Dear John McCain:
There is no such thing as "pro-abortion." No one anywhere, anytime "promotes" abortion. It's terrible, and as a man you will never know what it's like to make a decision to keep or end a pregnancy. The procedure is painful. It's unpleasant. No one ever jumps up and says "oh boy, it's abortion day!" or "Gosh, I can't wait to find myself pregnant again so I can have another one of those - it was great fun!" or "thank goodness I was raped by my drunken stepfather and find myself pregnant at 13 - thank the gods I can skip happily past the protesters at the local Planned Parenthood." Come ON. Nothing about abortion is simple - emotionally, physically, or spiritually. These decisions are never made lightly and the resulting trauma of having to do it is not something any woman who undergoes the procedure ever forgets. I'm sick to death of self-righteous pricks like you who think that anyone who supports a woman's right to choose for herself what's best is the enemy. It's pricks like you who also condone abstinence-only education with the same kind of unmitigated ignorance to the fact that people have sex, have always had sex, and always will. Of all ages. All walks of life. And a whole lot of that sex is neither consensual nor a good idea but that doesn't change the outcome, does it?
When you and your wife, Cruella de Vil were so righteously adopting your children, I'm guessing that the offspring of a 13-year-old crack whore was not on your list of acceptables.
I'm also guessing that if it turned out YOUR daughter was raped and pregnant at 12, you'd change your tune pretty quickly, especially being in the public eye. What would such a bit of news do to your "distinguished" career as a "maverick"?
Senator, I don't believe there is a single person in the world who doesn't wish that we could permanently eliminate any need for abortions - that we could somehow solve every issue that leads to unwanted pregnancy with some finality but there is nothing realistic about such a wish. Neither does that preclude the fact that we live in a world where abortions are necessary, and for a host of reasons for which I choose not to be a judge.
Why is it so hard for you and your ilk, Senator McCain, to accept that women (frail as we may be in mind and spirit) can make these decisions for ourselves (notice I say "our" because you're not part of this club, my friend)? Why do you find it so utterly pressing to impose your ideas and values upon others in this regard when you yourself have never been there and never will be?
Pro-choice is just that: the promotion of choice among free thinking individuals to decide what is best for their own families and individual lives. I don't believe abortion is "right" so I didn't have one when faced with the decision, and as far as I am concerned, that's the only part I have here. I would never presume to judge another woman for any choice she makes in this regard, but only that she do what she feels is best for her at the time, and for this she has my full and unwavering support.
Pro-abortion? Not a chance. Pro-choice? You bet, and across the board, motherfucker. Mind your own damn business, Senator McCain (and tell that to your little lap dog too).
Middle-Class White American Mother Who Finds You Morally Reprehensible
(so you can stop targeting me with your stupid phone calls)
16 October 2008
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Please tell me you're really sending that to him. Bravo, miss. Bravo. I fully agree!
Is it bad that I wanted to leap from my computer chair and high-five my monitor? I fully agree with you - on every point. I must also add that it was really nice to read another woman's thoughts on the issue, one that does not equate pro-choice with pro-abortion. As much as aged, overweight, white men push the issue, so do a lot of women. If we relinquish any choice that involves our bodies - we give up our, note the use of the capital, Freedom. Oh, and another point, I believe this topic does call for fiery, feverish indignation, so good on you.
High-five all you want to! Rock on...
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