In any case, one thing I can say about W is in some strange way I admire his ability to continue to tow the line of his own bullshit in the face of constant criticism. Hell, if you're going to be oblivious to history and outright wrong on your facts, you may as well stick to the hard line since you've already lost credibility with anyone who has a brain, and those who still support you tend to fall into the camp of others like you who believe what they're told. These are the same folks who belt out "God Bless America" and tear up during the National Anthem because they believe we're out in the world spreading democracy akin to what our founding fathers gained for this country. I admire also these people who can still love their country when it's manned by a fool, who pledge their allegiance to a flag that simultaneously represents racism, sexism, a complete lack of separation of church and state, and those who will vote for a president because he's against abortion and gay marriage - like these are the major concerns of running a country in these complicated political times. I frankly couldn't care less if Frank and Joe next door are married because this has no bearing on my life whatsoever; I do, however, care that my other neighbors from India are persecuted with signs in their yard after 9/11 like "go back to your country, sand nigger" when they are American citizens, Christian, and come from fucking INDIA, but their skin is brown and they LOOK muslim, so they must be. Yes, that actually happened in a quiet, upper middle-class suburb in a fairly liberal state of our blessed union.
I didn't used to be outwardly political, and while I'm a staunch democratic liberal voter, I am typically quite content to shut up about it, but the recent Obama/pastor thing has got me steamed. While I also admit I watch too much television during the day to the tune of "Inside Edition" and its ilk, I am incensed at the kind of coverage we get from all angles. The news that Obama has "taken a hit" in the polls from "white voters" makes me crazy. I'm not so naive to think that any politician is free of scandal or dishonesty, but I do believe we have to choose the lesser of evils, and for once, it's nice to hear someone (Obama) speak with his own words, with decent ideas, the promise of a younger, fresh-faced approach to leading this country, and frankly, some intelligence that isn't laced with a ridiculous southern accent and the absolute incapacity to pronounce the word "nuclear." I also think that it's high time we had someone in the White House who isn't white and hip-deep in oil money and ties to Saudi Arabia. Or whose father incited a civil war in Iraq in the first place and then left them to fend for themselves.
I'm with Ted ( here insofar as the potential for a third-term Bush administration in the form of John McCain frankly keeps me up at night and forces me into being a more outspoken political individual. I simply cannot abide another term of dumping cash and bodies into a war that doesn't directly concern us when people are losing their houses, the dollar is plummeting, children go hungry, and the damn corporations and fat cats are worried about their continued tax breaks. I'm insulted that our the "relief" for the recession comes in the form of a paltry amount of money to middle and working class Americans in the hopes they will spend it foolishly and boost our economy again, rather than encouraging them to put food on their tables and gas in their cars, or hell, pay down some debt. I actually heard an economic analyst COMPLAIN that he worries that Americans will spend the money wisely and it will have no effect at all on our economy. If you want any kind of proof that our current administration is quite happy to keep us all just where we are - living paycheck to paycheck if that, buried to the eyeballs in debt and working our asses off for little money and no healthcare, there you are.
God Bless [the] America [we could be]! Vive Obama!
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