02 August 2008

My heart will groan on...

Ah, Titanic on cable television on a sticky Saturday night. It's been so hot here I find the notion of floating in a nearly frozen North Atlantic appealing. I actually envy their icy fog breath. But this movie. Guh. I have to admit that as long as I'm watching it on "mute" it's a great film - effects, sets, costumes, etc. are positively fantastic - but the script. Oi. The script is so terrible it makes me audibly groan when Chet from Weird Science says with no irony "are you ready to go back to Titanic?" Why, oh why couldn't James Cameron spend an extra million on this kabillion dollar film to hire a decent scriptwriter? Oh, the humanity.

But I had no intention of writing about unworthy Oscar winners.

Sadly, I have lost what I was going to write.

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