12 May 2009

Sometimes I want to quit this all and become and accountant now

The internet is out at my house, and I know this because I had to spend the better part of an hour on the phone with Qwest, listening to a person from Eastern Europe with a thick accent go through her script before she was allowed to use her brain at all. She was very nice and I do not complain about her per se, but seriously, I am sick to death of calling Qwest, or Direct TV, or whatever, informing them of the problem I'm having and that YES, I have already done all of the troubleshooting maneuvers only to be made to do them all over again. And after that, being told that oh yes, there is an outage in your area and that's why the internet doesn't work.

Never mind that this is the first question I asked and assumed was the case.

And don't even get me started on the infuriating Qwest computer that you are forced to speak to in order to get a human being at all, who will then ask you for all of the same information they just kept you busy with on the fucking computer. Argh.

I'm grouchy because I am now at Daz Bog using their internet - and while I like actually being in Daz Bog, their internet sucks and randomly asks you every five or so minutes whether or not you still agree to their free Wi-Fi use rules. And they play KBCO, which is also not bad, but radio in general is annoying since U2 is apparently back in style and I have to hear them on every station all day long. Am I the only one who is sick to death of this pompous band who hasn't made a truly great album since The Joshua Tree? Wasn't that 20 years ago or something? And Bono makes me generally want to puke, even if he is by and large doing nice things in the world.

This random ranting is just to keep the barbarians at the gate this morning. I'm tired and I feel like I should be working but don't feel like it. I have exactly three pages of introduction to my dissertation and I'm bored with it. I cannot possibly grade any papers in the mood I'm in because my snarky-ness has no bounds. And I'm hungry. Meh.


ab said...

U2 - Has there been a musical act that better exemplified the idiom “to rest on one’s laurels”?

It's not pretty underneath... said...

Wow - no kidding. Well put!