21 February 2008

I started crying and I couldn't stop myself

It is as I feared; my anger hit a wall that required I either (a) start randomly killing people; or (b) decide to face down whatever demon is haunting me and hope I'm bigger and stronger.  I've been told that if you encounter a mountain lion whilst hiking, you should make yourself as big as possible and make loud noises so that the lion thinks you are a formidable enemy and decides it's not worth the trouble to kill you.  Frankly, the thought of facing down a mountain lion in such a situation is so utterly terrifying to me that I have to put it out of my mind in order to hike and pretend I don't sense things stalking me when we're in remote areas.  In any case, the emotional equivalent occurred this morning in my therapy session.  I feel funny writing about it, but writing is one of my power tools, so to speak, and one should always stick with one's strengths.  

I'm having a rubbish day that began all wrong and has continued to be off kilter.  I won't babble on about it now, but suffice it to say that I have been awake and angry and frustrated since 2:30 this morning, save the nap I got between 6 and 6:30 during which I had a disturbing and lengthy nightmare that has given me the uncanny heebie jeebies all day.  The moment I walked into my session I unloaded about everything and when she responded with "I see you're angry, but you also seem very sad" I - quite unexpectedly - burst into tears in the most embarrassing fashion.  I hate to cry in front of others unless I'm watching a movie; it makes me feel weak and silly and that it makes me feel that way when it shouldn't only creates more panic about weakness and stupidity.  You get the idea.  It sucks when your neuroses get the best of you, and it turns out that I don't have a single demon to face but a whole Pandora's box of them and I'm exhausted.  

Maybe I don't want to write about this as much as I thought I did.  Maybe later.  Maybe not.

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