10 February 2008

I started running but there's nowhere to run to

It's been a weekend funk once more.  I dunno where these moods come from, but every so often everything I have to do sounds overwhelming and I waste the day feeling bored.  How someone with a to do list as extensive as mine, with a life as full as mine, and satellite TV to boot can be bored is one of the cosmic quandaries.  Once I realized the Turner Classic Movies was playing The Return of the King in letterbox with no commercial breaks, the night was entirely shot to hell.  Usually I won't watch it if it's on TV because the chopped picture and endless commercials make me nuts, but at least if I get sucked in the Glade plug-in commercial will provide ample pause for me to realize I have things to do and turn off the idiot box.  Quite tricksy of them to suck me in this way...

But everything I have to do feels so heavy of late that fantasy worlds are all the more appealing; I don't want to write a dissertation anymore, I don't want to read books that require a pen in hand, I don't want to be mommy to every single person in my life (except for, ironically, my offspring), and most frightening is that I don't want to do anything else either.  Going out sounds like work and being sociable feels impossible some days.  If teaching my classes wasn't an exercise in keeping in character on a stage, I may never be able to face them at all.  Ever.  

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