18 February 2008

Punk Rock Girl

Did I mention that I'm in love with my niece?  Yesterday afternoon, just before her parents returned home from their weekend break, she took her first set of consecutive steps.  Quite momentous, really, and the best part was that she wasn't even trying.  For a month or so now, she's been taking a single, hesitant step before realizing that she can crawl faster than a junebug.  She was handing me a framed picture when she just walked, six or so steps, over to me.  It was amazing; I was there when she came into the world, and I've been fortunate enough to be there when she took her first step in it...

Don't worry; she did it again just after they got home so they didn't miss the moment, per se, as they feared.  Can you imagine - the first time you leave your kid in almost a year and she does something major just before you get home?  That's a child for you; they make liars of us, only behave angelically for others, and forget to say 'thanks' for all that you do until, if you're lucky, much later in life, but somehow it's all worth it.

1 comment:

merf said...

woo hoo! Go Nat! how cool she is starting to walk. (well at least it's cool until she starts grabbing stuff) Miss you!