Who in the holy hell would admit in the current environment to liking George W. Bush? Apparently the answer is in some of the students of class I just subbed. I didn't initiate the conversation, but they are talking in that class about vocal rhetoric, and I overheard one young woman state that she heard W. speak last week. I perked up and asked her about it, wondering what she thought. She began with "he is such a charismatic speaker..." and I knew I was in trouble. This kid is apparently the local spokesperson for some uber-conservative young Republican outfit here on campus and went to Washington last week, where she also had the "great fortune" of meeting John McCain and Anne Coulter. I was about to say something like, "you mean you had them all in one place and didn't set off at least a stink bomb?" (<--that's a joke people; don't go calling the feds, even though they're probably red-flagging this even as I write it). She snarled at me and said how she couldn't stand that people are so "mean" to the president - he is, after all, the president and deserves our respect and admiration. He is apparently "very funny and intelligent" and no one gives him credit for this. Besides, "we all elected him."
What I find staggering is not only the odd kind of brain-washed rehash this girl was spewing out but that the kind of adoration she expressed was akin to idol worship; it was the same kind of starry-eyed responses that the Manson family gave in court and later interviews about their leader and prophet. I have to say that even though I'm completely liberal and on board with Obama as the significantly lesser of evils, I really can't comprehend young and female republicans - don't they know how much the republican party is against nearly all of their best interests? I am not even saying that as though I think I'm right and democrats have the only ideas in town for post-boomer generations, but really. John McCain? The man is 71 years old and a complete crackpot and Mike Huckabee is a bible-thumping hick with a marginal amount of personal charm and down-home kinds of statements that appeal to the less educated. Guh.
If either of these yahoos gets elected, I'm expatriating.
Not only do I not understand female Republicans, I really cannot grasp any minority supporting the Republican party. Or any poor person . My first year at DU, I had the president of the Colorado Young Republicans in 2 of my classes. He was really respectful and nice but had that glassy-eyed cult look and I just wanted to shake him and snap him out of it. Grrrrrrrrrrr
Somebody who talks about her "great fortune" in meeting ANN COULTER is going to turn around and insist that we show a president respect - just 'cause, you know, he's the president?
I've come to the conclusion that republicanism is a birth defect, caused by a dangerously under-developed sense of irony...
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